Shipping Policy

Order Processing Times

We typically ship all orders within 2-4 business days. If you select Expedited Processing at checkout, we'll ship within 24-48 hours depending on which time in the day the orders are placed.

Estimated Shipping Times

We ship all items with USPS. For international shipments, your local mail carrier will handle and deliver the item once it enters your country.

We ship all orders from our USA factory. Due to Covid-19, some international packages may be delayed due to routing or customs delays.

  • USA - Within 2-5 business days
  • Canada - Within 4-10 business days
  • Western Europe - Within 5-15 business days
  • Australia/NZ - Within 5-15 business days
  • Rest of the World - Within 5-20 business days

Check your local mail carrier website for the latest updates on how Covid-19 is affecting deliveries.

Undelivered Orders

If you didn't receive your order please email us at, quoting your order number from the confirmation email/SMS message. We'll help track down your order.

Customs, Fees and Taxes

We do our best to help ensure your item arrives as smoothly and quickly as possible, including labelling the package with all relevant information for customs authorities.

Changes to EU customs regulations means you may be charged sales tax (VAT) upon delivery of your order. Refer to your country tax authority for guidance on what fees are due on items shipped from the USA.

If fees are charged by customs, they are payable by the recipient.

Shipping Insurance

Shipping insurance is offered at checkout. It's provided by Asmara Jewellery and covers you in case the item is lost, stolen, or damaged in transit. To make a claim, contact our support team.

Please note - shipping insurance is non-refundable once your order has shipped.